Nancy Lamb (American, born 1956) is a sculptor and painter of great
versatility who blends aspects of whimsy, wit, and sophistication to create
divers forms of art which never fail to delight and challenge. Most notable
are her recent oil paintings, which depict every aspect of social
interaction, telling snapshot tales of interpersonal intrigue which entice
the viewer to partake in the events so vividly portrayed—who are these
people? What do they mean to each other? What do they tell us about the
human condition? Her characters, though nameless, haunt one after first
acquaintance; they are our friends, our neighbors, our families, ourselves,
thrust under the microscope in a way which rather brings to mind what
Martians might see when they look at us. As Ezra Pound once challenged
writers to "make it new", never perhaps has a modern artist done so for that
most ordinary of subjects—man.
- Jeffrey Jackson

The Longview Museum of Fine Art, in 2011.

Nancy Lamb and a poster she made for the Fort Worth film Festival in 1996
Courtesy Fort Worth Weekly. Cover photo by Brian Hutson.